Implementation of Islamic work purpose of this article is to share
The gaps between the ideals and the reality of the
implementation of Islamic business
practices in Kelantan. Known as the Islamic
State in Malaysia. Especially by Muslim
women entrepreneurs in the market Siti Khadija. 27
interviews were conducted with participants in late August
2013, however; been excluded due to four
of the fact that they are the only workers and not
owners. For God 's grace
is the main reason for the implementation of Islamic
business practices because they believe that they will
gain God 's grace or blessing in what you are doing.
It can be classified as Islamic business practices into
three stages which are before, during and after
work. Implementation of Islamic
business practices is moderate. Using Spearman
correlation, I found age to be negative
and significant , while the other variables do not
relate much to the business of Muslim
achievement of women.
Keywords: entrepreneurship. The religion of Islam; Malaysia.
Practices; women
entrepreneurs in the market Khadija City
in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Well Kelantan Islamic state ??? Known in Malaysia. Moreover,
and women known in business that
prompted the state government to rename her
wet capital market after the wife of the Prophet , which
is the City of Khadija.
Entrepreneurship in Islam , the
entrepreneurial spirit is very encouraged in Islam
(Al - Quran: Surah 4: verse 29, Riwayat
in Tirmidhi). In fact, the Prophet and his wife
Siti Khadija themselves businessmen.
Islam is a way of life, and therefore, it includes
business. By observing the religious duties of personal and
business activities, one can aim for the farmer
any success in this worldly affairs and the afterlife.
In other words, Islam combines material
and spiritual points of view, and thus. Benefits
include worlds.
Islamic business practices
Islamic According to my companion and Kalsom (2013),
can be classified as business practices in
two which are the first, the religious practices
of Muslim businessmen such as prayer, and
donations, fasting in Ramadan and networks.
Second, the compatibility of Sharia such as
Islamic finance, products and services may
Production, pay tithes or zakat and the use of
Islamic values in the field of business. Muslims believe
that the implementation of these two practices
will bring them success both in this world or the
Hereafter , which is known in Islam farmer.
Approved Shuhairimi (2013) also
peasant conditions of business Muslim
people is to follow the lives of Muslims patterns
(ritual special religious), to comply with the provisions of Islamic Sharia
principles in the field of business (free from oppression and
injustice and discrimination) and appreciation of
Islamic values in the field of business ( generosity, honest,
trustworthy, tawadu "(piously: Al - Quran, 29:59),
Tawakkal, friendly (honest), master (hard),
responsible, cooperative and possess specific
values and business (creative and innovative,
Motivated, capable and future).
Ahmed Abdel - Kader (2013) discussed
on Islamic business practices that are
successful Muslim businessmen such as
for hard work and implementation according to the business's
Islamic ethics, should business always
put the customer with attractive words, sweet,
mutual respect, gentleness and consideration of the
interests of all parties . Must business
always open and strive to meet
"consumer expectations" by emphasizing
creativity, innovation, confidence, courage and
According to Ilhaamie Ibrahim (2013),
the entrepreneurial practices of Islamic business is to
sell the products only permitted or services (free
of alcohol, pigs or pigs, dogs and animals
Bodies with fangs and claws or animals with
two natures (al - Qur'an, 16: 115 and 5: 3) and
doubtful products or services where they are
production processes are doubtful (Al - Quran,
1: 173), and activities wrong , such as prostitution
or any element of them (Al - Quran, 24:33).
Products or services must be of good quality
(ingredients and sources, Al - Qur'an, 27: 2)
and the amount of , Al - Quran, 82: 1-3), useful
and nutritious (free of gambling, drugs and
tobacco, Al - Quran 4:92 chemicals and dangerous
ingredients : Al - Quran, 4:85), in possession (not
flying birds in the air or unripe fruit on the trees)
and not stolen from others (al - Qur'an, 1: 188).
It must be based on business profit and loss
Participation and not on the basis of usury (Al - Qur'an:
1: 275), and must be completed as agreed by both
parties (Al - Qur'an, 1: 5, 23: 8). The price should
be fixed according to the market price, but not
too high in order to prevent the business of
business is based on Islamic values, principles
and ethics. There will be peace and harmony in
society , as is the case with the business, and the community
will be used and their basic needs will be
met. Moreover, the basic infrastructure
within the community will be upgraded and
strengthened. Specifically, the customers have
the loyalty which is very important for the survival of the
business. Moreover, business Muslims
Ten are responsible business or paid zakat to the
needy (Al - Qur'an: 1: 267). Thus, there
be no chaos or conflicts between Muslims
from cooperation or Islamic brotherhood is the
basis of the Islamic Action.
Moreover, they will gain a blessing (God
handed) in their work and lives. Baraka is
defined as any restrictions in terms of expenditure
business Muslims will enjoy the profits
obtained without facing any major problems and
will feel peaceful and happy (Ahmed et al. ,
2008). In short, it will not earn profits only
in this world, but also the benefits and rewards in the
afterlife as they give priority to God the
grace of the Almighty as the main aim is to do
Or manage their business. (Al - Quran, 92: 17-21;
Hussein and Ilhaamie, 2008). Islamic business
assumes practices, paid -up capital as
soon as they are implemented, the business
will gain benefits and rewards not only in these
worldly affairs but also in the afterlife.
Women and Business in Islam
men and women, along God
succession on this earth (al - Qur'an: 1, 30) and
so on , and bestowed upon them and the same functions as
any to do good deeds, avoid doing evil
matters (Al - Quran, 9:71) . Moreover, women are
not limited to work done outside their
home. However, they are allowed to provide for that
they follow or adhere to certain conditions
For example covering their modesty (al - Qur'an, 33:59),
do not wear makeup strongly (Al - Quran, 33:33),
with the permission of their parents (Al - Quran,
4:34) and do the work that is suitable for
nature any weakness physically (Al Quran, 1: 228).
For example, Khadija City itself is the role
model in business for Muslim women. Other
examples or Munther-Qais binti that
sold the old dates, names Bunty Makhzamah bin
Jandal who sold perfumes in the market.
Women and Islamic business practices
Norsidah and others. (2004) in their study in Dungun,
you have identified factors that the payment Terengganu
are more important than pull factors in
motivating women to engage in business.
According to Dechant and Lamky (2005) and
Nasser Mohammed (2009), and factors of payment
associated with negative factors (income low,
dissatisfaction, strict working hours, lack of employment
opportunities), while pull factors are associated
with the positive factors (self - achievement, the
desire to Help others). In other words, payment of
factors linked to the need for factors that
force individuals to follow up on project
activities while drawing the attractions and inspire
them to be self - employed (Holmen et al. , 2011).
It is said that these factors differ among developing countries ,
developing countries and emerging economies and even
individuals in the same country as the withdrawal of specific
factors that are dominant in the developed countries ,
while a range of factors in developing
countries. At the same time, the participation of women in
business can be categorized into three which are
informal, formal and stable business. More
there are women in the informal business sector.
Rohana (2012) in her study in Pendang,
Kida said that women entrepreneurs
believe that Islam encourages Muslims to do
business main job. You will get
success in their business and as Muslims.
Among the Islamic business practices that they
do not have to be thankful with the sustenance of
God offered in their daily work that, not
to accept usury, be honest, and patience in the face of
problems or risks, for the sale of permitted products
or services only, not to be greedy, debt wages in
time and take initiative in the field of business.
A study by Fatima-Salwa and others. (2013) found
that the implementation of personal values
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